Theory of the Month: Rainer Hannig

Who is the candidate for the “Voynich Theory of the Month” in June 2020?

It is Prof. Dr. Rainer Hannig, who has even managed to briefly be featured in the VM’s Wikipedia entry before being excised again. Hannig has followed the usual spiel of VTotM to the letter:

  1. He is an “outsider”, namely an Egyptologist with no direct links to cryptography, or medieval manuscripts, or…
  2. His solution doesn’t build on previous work, but is the result of a maverick approach.
  3. He assumes an initially simple substitution cipher where one letter represents one sound, and one ciphertext word is equivalent to one plaintext word. He is original inasfar as he assumes the underlying plaintext language to be Hebrew, which would be exotic enough not to have been considered by other researches, and at the same time not completely implausible.*)
  4. After having some initial success in manufacturing Hebrew words out of this, the enciphering rules become increasingly complex the longer he progresses. Things turn into a labyrinthine set of rules with multi-value letters, the ommission and reintroduction of vowels, etc.
  5. At the same time, little thought is given to problems of the transcription, which may well hold surprises for the would-be decipherer — have we correctly identified different and identical characters? Is <ch> really <cc> or a different character? Is <r> the same as <s>?
  6. The multi-faceted structure of VM words, the complex rules governing their composition, is ignored. Which is odd considering such a large number of alternative ways the author had in enciphering his text — if he had so many different options to compose his ciphertext, why do all the words so strictly adhere to only a narrow selection of rules?
  7. While it is possible to create a string of words in this way, the creation of meaningful sentences remains elusive, even when one discards most of Hebrew grammar from the game (as Hannig apparently does.) A coherent narrative spanning paragraphs is nowhere in sight. And this is where I consider the case closed and loose interest.

As an example, let me give you Hannig’s translation from f17r:

I am a bull ready which facilitates and renews house and ruins.
You are a piece of lamb which opens the mouth and is discouraged
when eye-in-eye.

Or f2v, the nymphaea page:**)

Surely, Nymphaea is the twin. Enough juice in the tip.
Drink carefully, this is like something which provides spirit.
Will come juice with repetition. Juice facilitates prophecies...
like rebellion in presence of philosophers.
All which is in Greek about is silence without talking. [sic]
When not speaking about juice, spoke: Do dig... spoken in Arabic.

We’ve had a number of those theories, and I do not only present this piece of scientifically and methodologically somewhat unsound work out of malice (though I wonder about the quailty of Hannig’s other work, if his VM paper is representative for it) or to ridicule it. But it is exemplary for a mistake made so often in VM approaches that it cannot be pointed out often enough.

No, really.

*) Interestingly enough it seems that Hannig never bothered with the question whether the text is supposed to be read left-to-right as in Western languages, or right-to-left as in Hebrew, but opted for left-to-right from the start. Which is strange, considering his background in hieroglyphics.

**) Notice the highly repetitive text with a very limited vocabulary.


4 thoughts on “Theory of the Month: Rainer Hannig

  1. It seems OK that this new solution is not mentioned in the Voynich Wikipedia page, but it remains a mystery to me why Nicholas Gibbs is, and even more why Gerard Cheshire gets such a lot of attention.

  2. I’d be fine with it if anything post-Brumbaugh would be summarily discarded… “Over time, a number of theories have been suggested, but none of them has achieved widespread acceptance.”

  3. There is a key to cipher the Voynich manuscript.
    The key to the cipher manuscript placed in the manuscript. It is placed throughout the text. Part of the key hints is placed on the sheet 14. With her help was able to translate a few dozen words that are completely relevant to the theme sections.
    The Voynich manuscript is not written with letters. It is written in signs. Characters replace the letters of the alphabet one of the ancient language. Moreover, in the text there are 2 levels of encryption. I figured out the key by which the first section could read the following words: hemp, wearing hemp; food, food (sheet 20 at the numbering on the Internet); to clean (gut), knowledge, perhaps the desire, to drink, sweet beverage (nectar), maturation (maturity), to consider, to believe (sheet 107); to drink; six; flourishing; increasing; intense; peas; sweet drink, nectar, etc. Is just the short words, 2-3 sign. To translate words with more than 2-3 characters requires knowledge of this ancient language. The fact that some symbols represent two letters. In the end, the word consisting of three characters can fit up to six letters. Three letters are superfluous. In the end, you need six characters to define the semantic word of three letters. Of course, without knowledge of this language make it very difficult even with a dictionary.
    Much attention in the manuscript is paid to the health of women for the purpose of giving birth to healthy offspring.
    And most important. In the manuscript there is information about “the Holy Grail”.
    I am ready to share information, but only with those who are seriously interested in deciphering the Voynich manuscript.

  4. Hi Nikolai, I’m sure all visitors to this blog are interested in a solution to the Voynich. If you wish, feel free to prepare a PDF with a summary of your hypothesis, and I will publish it here, and we’ll see what people comment on it.
    There are also two excellent internet forums where you can present your ideas, namely “The Voynich ninjas” and Rich SantaColoma’s forum
    Regardless of which platform you chose, your summary would ideally explain how you arrived at your solution, what you think the underlying language is, and, most importantly, a step-by-step algorithm for enciphering and deciphering the text. It also helps if you can provide sample translations of words or sentences. If you provide that, people will be able to quite quickly give a first assessment of your hypothesis.
    I’d love to hear from you, you can also use the contact page to send me your document!

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